Sunday, 22 July 2012

How to achieve good academic results

Reading her book

Standing tall

 Come exam time, expectations are high on children to perform well in their tests by their parents. Most often, these expectations are passed onto our daycare centre as well. Even children scoring 80% above are below some parents' expectations. We would very much like to see our children score full marks in their exams also, but not at the expense of their happy and good relationship with us. Not at the expense of their psychological confidence and the big appetite for good food in them. Not at the expense of their daily laughter and healthy relationship with their peers. Then how and what shall we (teachers and parents) do to ensure good academic results for the children? Can a fierce teacher help to discipline and get them do better in school? 
Good food
Let us explain here. RESULTS (good or bad) are the consequences of their ACTIONS. The actions of doing their daily homework and studying and paying attention to their teachers. Good actions, good results. Bad actions, bad results. Not all children and parents are able to follow 'good' actions all the time. Children waking up late and parents sending them late to our centre, may result in insufficient time to complete their homework and studies. Being late to sleep, results in late to wake up. Actions equal reactions. ACTIONS are the consequences of their FEELINGS. Children arrives at our centre with different moods. Some happy, some moody due to lack of sleep, being beaten or scolded by parents. Some grandparents took them out for happy breakfast before coming late to the centre. Children under heavy pressure to perform well, will have a negative impact on their actions and thus their results. FEELINGS are the consequences of their THINKING. How children think lead them to what they feel. Here it is important that teachers and parents should not highlight and repeat too much of children errors, especially publicly. Example, if we ask, "Why you ALWAYS make SILLY mistakes".This will be programmed into the children's mind as ALWAYS make SILLY mistake. And  it is transferred into feelings and into actions and thus the results of 'always silly mistake'. Children's thinking are programmed by their environment and the people around them, like the store card in the computer. In order for the children to have a happy and well balanced life, we have to be very careful in 'programming' their thoughts in order to reap the right results. Any changes can ONLY be done at the 'programming' stage. It is pointless to blame anyone at the ACTION stage. Once a child has been fed with mountains of positive encouragement, it will lead to positive results. Our children are be able to enjoy reading by themselves, despite the noise distraction of  fun and laughter from others. Some are able to enjoy relating to each other their experiences and stories like adults, without joining others at play. We are confident that academic excellence are reachable with the right approach, not by a fierce teacher to push down onto the children. With patience and proper and positive conditioning of the children's thinking, they will be able to achieve excellent results in their studies.