Saturday, 25 February 2012

Sing to be happy, happy to sing

Rachael with brother and close friends
When we are happy, we hum and sing. At times when we are moody, we may sing to change our mood and be happy. At our centre, we coax and encourage children to sing and repeat familiar dance move and music to change their morning mood. Not all children arrived at our centre with smiling faces. Some cried, out of lack of sleep and some may need a longer time to warm up. Music, songs and dances are very important to growing up children. They do not mind to listen to the same songs or music many times. They do not mind to sing many times especially birthday songs,  in fact they enjoy very much each time the same tune are repeated.
Happy children celebrating Rachael's birthday
 It is important to keep children happy in order to maintain a happy frame of mind for the children to learn. At times children are faced with a lot of unfinished homework, our teachers will have to be sensitive to their mood and avoid giving pressure instead giving mountains of encouragement and praises to them. If teachers were to use cane or force children by scolding, to accomplish their objectives,the children will not learn much even though the tasks are completed, because the children do not have a happy mind to learn; instead they have fear and anger in their minds.
Children know who loves them and who doesn't. It is easier to guide children when their hearts are with
Children always happy to sing birthday song
the teachers.
Rachael does not want help to cut her cake; boss of the day

Busy at work; eating

Yee Sheng stealing the show

Lets play with birthday girl

Yogan got a golden bull from a friend
Yummy, 2 kg. cake finished by the children

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Getting ready to school

New looked centre

Cute happy children

A colouring lesson

Potatoes, sausages, chicken meat and prawns

Chicken and prawns wanton
It will be a mistake and reflects ignorance to assume that there are only two things to remind children before going to school; school bags and water tumblers. Teachers need to ensure they are properly bathed, bodies and hairs dried, hair combed, dressed with shirt buttons at the right holes or properly zipped and neatly dressed. Next helping them to find their socks and the right pair of shoes. Children may mix up the right or left side their shoes in their haste to wear it especially when almost all the shoes are new and similar and the children are new to their own shoes. During meal time, our teachers have to shuttle many trips between the kitchen and the meal tables in serving rice, dishes and soups as they are too young for self service and at the same time, we prevent the children from entering the kitchen. Prior to this the same teachers are subjected to mental challenges in guiding students in their school homework and keeping them happy and occupied to prevent the house from being disorder. To prevent students from falling down while walking to school, teachers volunteered to send them to school in their own cars, making many trips in a short period of time.At times some items are left behind by the children, such as pencil box, water tumbler, PJ tee shirts, exercise books and craft work. These were quickly rushed to the children at the school unless the items are hidden in corners of tuition rooms or among clothing and overlooked by our teachers. All these uses tremendous amount of physical and mental energy on the part of our teachers while they are subjected to daily scrutiny by parents. There are no short cuts to these processes, as the situations are different every day.