Sunday, 24 April 2011

Broadening the children's experiences.

Future leaders

The constant companionship between the teachers and students will enable teachers to introduce new fun  learning materials at short intervals to keep children happy all the time. At the same time the scope of learning experiences of the children will be broaden.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Stimulate the children's imagination.

'My fair lady' caught in the center
When children are exposed to new games,songs or activities, their minds are being stimulated to help them to adapt to their environment.Children are encourage to think towards overcoming challenges, in a happy environment to allow their imagination to grow positively.From the scientific principle, when the brain cells are activated, they tend to be brighter and be more intelligent especially during the first four years of their childhood.

Arouse the children's curiosity.

Teacher Alice reading to the children

Children by nature are very curious. The day when they are born, they start learning through colours, shapes and sound. They recognize their surroundings and the languages we introduce to them.Our centre will expose as many pictures, materials, games and songs to satisfy the young inquisitive minds and to encourage the children to participate and ask questions. It will be the duty of our teachers to welcome or anticipate their questions with patience and develop the learning momentum through a) question and answer, b) comparison and c) relating methods.

Welcome to Hoong Yang - 'Every child is a genius'

To all parents,

We take this opportunity to congratulate you for being the responsible and successful parents to your wonderful children. All concerned young parents are always on the look out for a good day care centre to entrust their children to it while they continue with their career in the work place.Children who are entrusted to us, come from  all ages and different level of intelligence. However we like to assume each child a genius or yet to be discovered talented individual.